英语专业, 学生们开始提高他们理解文学作品的能力, 理解文学和文化是如何相互影响的, 并且用言语和文字表达他们的意思. In order to declare a major in 英语, students must meet with the department chair.


在这里可以找到英语系的学习目标 在这里.


课程数量, credits and overall GPA required for the major: Students may choose to concentrate in literature, 在创意写作中, 或者在文学和电影中, and all three concentrations are designed to equip students to achieve these goals by requiring a minimum of 12 courses divided into the categories below. 如果一门课程的成绩达到C或更高,将被计入专业.



  • 选修两门调查课程. 100级的课程考察了文学史的广泛性, 研究类型是如何随着时间发展的. Class work emphasizes the close analysis of texts and the techniques of making focused arguments in 写作. 我们鼓励学生在头两年学习这些课程. Courses counting toward this requirement are: ENGL 104, 105, 110, 111, 116, and 117. Alternately, HMTS 121 and HMTS 211 shall count as fulfilling the requirement.
  • Take the Gateway Course required of all majors: 英格兰260年: Introduction to Literary Studies. 英格兰260年, 通过向学生介绍解释性, 写作, 以及专门针对英语的研究技能, 为他们在本学科的高级工作提供了基础. The department strongly recommends that students take 英格兰260年 before enrolling in upper-level 英语 courses. 写作强化要求第二部分是由engl260完成的.
  • 选修100级或200级的课程. These electives allow students to explore more broadly within the discipline before undertaking advanced work. Any 100- or 200-level course offered by the department may count toward this requirement. 向他们的顾问请愿, students may substitute an advanced 300- or 400-level course for this requirement.
  • Undertake immersive work in the traditions of American, British, and Anglophone literature. Most courses on the 300- and 400-level are small seminars emphasizing specialized study within the discipline and cultivating advanced interpretive and 写作 skills. Three courses counting toward this requirement must carry the designation of “research intensive.” The department requires two 300/400-level courses focusing on literature written before 1700; two 300/400-level courses in literature written between 1700 and 1900; one 300/400-level course in literature written after 1900; and one 300/400-level elective.
  • 达到对文学本身研究的批判性反思. These “critical reflection” courses explore the broader ramifications of what it means to study literature and cultivate a deeper understanding of one’s relation, 作为一名独立评论家, 对纪律来说. 大多数这类课程的先决条件是engl260. Students intending to write a thesis should fulfill this requirement (one course) by the end of junior year.
  • 把你作为读者和评论家的经验运用到顶点项目中. 这个系要求高年级学生做一个英语专业项目, 可能是高级研讨会,也可能是高级论文. 高级研讨会通常仅限于英语专业的高年级学生, 但非高年级学生可以向个别导师申请入学. Students seeking consideration for Honors must complete a two-semester capstone consisting of either a two-term thesis or a senior seminar and a one-term thesis. Students who choose to write two-semester senior theses are required to enroll in ENGL 498 Senior Thesis Part 1/Senior Colloquium in the fall of their senior year. They must also register for ENGL 499 Senior Thesis Part 2 during the spring of their senior year. 选择写一学期的学生, 一学分毕业论文入读英语497学期毕业论文. These students are not required to enroll in ENGL 498 Senior Thesis Part 1/Senior Colloquium, 这主要是为那些一年的学生准备的, 两学分论文.

The selection of courses must also take into account the following distribution requirements:

  • 一门高级课程(不包括engl260)必须强调诗歌.
  • 一门高级课程必须强调美国文学.


  • 选修一门调查课程. 100级的课程考察了文学史的广泛性, 研究类型是如何随着时间发展的. Class work emphasizes the close analysis of texts and the techniques of making focused arguments in 写作. 我们鼓励学生在头两年学习这些课程. Courses counting toward this requirement are: ENGL 104, 105, 110, 111, 116, and 117. Alternately, HMTS 121 and HMTS 211 shall count as fulfilling the requirement.
  • Take the Gateway Course required of all majors: 英格兰260年: Introduction to Literary Studies. 英格兰260年, 通过向学生介绍解释性, 写作, 以及专门针对英语的研究技能, 为他们在本学科的高级工作提供了基础. The department strongly recommends that students take 英格兰260年 before enrolling in upper-level 英语 courses. 写作强化要求第二部分是由engl260完成的.
  • 参加100级或200级的选修课或第二次调查. These electives allow students to explore more broadly within the discipline before undertaking advanced work. Any 100- or 200-level course offered by the department may count toward this requirement. 向他们的顾问请愿, students may substitute an advanced 300- or 400-level course for this requirement.
  • Undertake immersive work in the traditions of American, British, and Anglophone literature. Most courses on the 300- and 400-level are small seminars emphasizing specialized study within the discipline and cultivating advanced interpretive and 写作 skills. One course counting toward this requirement must carry the designation of “research intensive.” The department requires two 300/400-level courses focusing on literature written before 1700; two in literature written between 1700 and 1900; and one 300/400-level course in literature written after 1900.
  • 培养想象力写作的才能. The department requires all those concentrating 在创意写作中 to take ENGL 270 Introduction to Creative Writing. Some upper-level creative 写作 courses may require ENGL 270 as a prerequisite.
  • 至少参加一次高级创意写作工作坊(engl333), 334, 335, 336或THDN 305为舞台和银幕写作, 或THDN 393剧作家工作坊).
  • 参加高级工作坊(ENGL 492或ENGL 494).
  • Write a thesis (restricted to students with an A- average in the 英语 major, or to students who have 提交ted a successful petition to the director of creative 写作), 或参加第二个高级创意写作工作坊(engl333), 334, 335 336, 或thdn305为舞台和银幕写作, 或thdn393. Playwrights Workshop) in a different genre from the course taken to fulfill the advanced creative 写作 workshop.

The selection of courses must also take into account the following distribution requirements:

  • 一门高级课程(不包括engl260)必须强调诗歌.
  • 一门高级课程必须强调美国文学.


  • 选修一门调查课程. 100级的课程考察了文学史的广泛性, 研究类型是如何随着时间发展的. Class work emphasizes the close analysis of texts and the techniques of making focused arguments in 写作. 我们鼓励学生在头两年学习这些课程. Courses counting toward this requirement are: ENGL 104, 105, 110, 111, 116, and 117. Alternately, HMTS 121 and HMTS 211 shall count as fulfilling the requirement.
  • Take the Gateway Course required of all majors: 英格兰260年: Introduction to Literary Studies. 英格兰260年, 通过向学生介绍解释性, 写作, 以及专门针对英语的研究技能, 为他们在本学科的高级工作提供了基础. The department strongly recommends that students take 英格兰260年 before enrolling in any upper-level 英语 course. 写作强化要求第二部分是由engl260完成的.
  • Cultivate an understanding of the essential problems and techniques of film interpretation. The department requires that all those concentrating in literature and film take ENGL 265 Introduction to Film Studies. 一些高级电影课程可能需要ENGL 265作为先决条件.
  • Undertake immersive work in the traditions of American, British, and Anglophone literature. Most courses on the 300- and 400-level are small seminars emphasizing specialized study within the discipline and cultivating advanced interpretive and 写作 skills. One course counting toward this requirement must carry the designation of “research intensive.” The department requires two 300/400-level courses focusing on literature written before 1800; and two 300/400-level courses in literature written after 1800.
  • Develop and refine the interpretive theories and formal patterns students use to understand works of literature and film. The department requires that concentrators in literature and film take one of the following theory courses: ENGL 470 Film Theory: An Introduction, 文学理论导论, 或ENGL 301文学解释理论.
  • 了解电影的历史. The department requires three advanced courses, at least two on the 300/400 level, in film studies. Of these courses, one must be specifically on literature and film (so designated in the 公告). 这些课程最多可以在一个协调部门学习一门.
  • Bring your experience as readers, critics, and viewers to bear on a capstone project. 这个系要求高年级学生做一个英语专业项目, which may be a senior thesis or a senior seminar in film or film and literature. Students seeking consideration for Honors must complete a two-semester capstone consisting of either a two-term thesis or a senior seminar and a one-term thesis.

The selection of courses must also take into account the following distribution requirements:

  • 一门高级课程(不包括engl260)必须强调诗歌.
  • 一门高级课程必须强调英国文学.
  • 一门高级课程必须强调美国文学.
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