生物专业要求9门BIOL课程(至少6门带实验)和3门相关课程(化学和数学)。. No course with a grade less than C- may be counted toward the major.

考虑主修生物学的学生应该在本科生涯中尽早咨询生物系的成员. 教师将根据学生的特殊兴趣和需要帮助计划一系列课程.

For both the B.A. and B.S. degrees, all candidates must complete the following requirements.

Foundational requirement: BIOL 182L and BIOL 183L.

请注意,强烈建议对生物学感兴趣的一年级学生在秋季学期选修BIOL 182L和CHEM 111L, BIOL 183L, and CHEM 112L in the spring. BIOL 182L和BIOL 183L是大多数高级生物学课程的必修课程, 因此,在第一年完成这些课程,可以在第二年有最多的课程选择. If necessary, students may begin the introductory series with BIOL 183L in the spring, followed by BIOL 182L in the next semester. Students are strongly advised to complete CHEM 111L and CHEM 112L by the end of their sophomore year; this provides the greatest flexibility in course choices later on.

Breadth requirement: One course in each of the two areas: biodiversity, and “cellular/molecular,” selected from the list below.

  • Biodiversity
    • BIOL 215L. Botany
    • BIOL 222L. Invertebrate Zoology
    • BIOL 308L. Microbiology
  • Cellular/molecular basis of life
    • BIOL 226L. Foundations and Techniques in Molecular Biology
    • BIOL 227L. Cell Biology
    • BIOL 317L. Biochemistry

Capstone requirement: One course selected from the list below. 这些课程为学生提供了专业的最终体验,并满足了高级练习的要求. 这些课程也满足本专业写作强化第二部分的要求. 使用生物学研究(BIOL 419或BIOL 425)来满足顶点要求的学生应通知他们的研究顾问,以便安排适当的写作强化作业.

  • BIOL 419. Research in Biology (Library), plus BIOL 403 or BIOL 404
  • BIOL 425. Research in Biology (Laboratory), plus BIOL 403 or BIOL 404
  • BIOL 429. Behavioral Mechanisms of Ecology
  • BIOL 431. Signal Transduction in Physiological Stress and Disease
  • BIOL 434L. Evolutionary Biology
  • BIOL 446. Bacterial Pathogenesis
  • BIOL 464. Molecular Genetics
  • BIOL 473L. Sensory Biology

Elective requirement: 额外课程(200级及以上),以满足9门BIOL课程(和6个实验)的要求. You choose the courses from our course offerings, 200-level and above. 这些课程旨在让学生有机会深入探索生物学的其他领域.

Electives to round out the biology major选修课程的目的是让学生有机会深入探索生物学的其他领域. 生物专业只接受以下列表中生物系以外的一门课程.

  • BIOL 206L. Histophysiology
  • BIOL 211L. Electron Microscopy
  • BIOL 224 or 224L. Genetics
  • BIOL 233. Conservation Biology
  • BIOL 244. Biology of Infectious Disease
  • BIOL 310L. Developmental Biology
  • BIOL 315L. Vertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 319L. Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 333L. Ecology
  • NESC 201 or 201L. Principles of Neuroscience: Neurobiology
  • NESC 210. Neuroendocrinology
  • BIOL 419 or 425, Research. 希望将生物学研究作为9门专业课程之一的学生必须参加BIOL 419或425两个学期的课程, or one semester of either with concurrent enrollment in BIOL 403 or 404, Research Seminar.

One of the following courses may be used as an elective toward the B.A. 如果在开始BIOL 182和183的入门序列之前获得学位;

  • BIOL 119. Nutrition: Food and Fads
  • BIOL 120. Genes, Clones, and Biotechnology
  • BIOL 122. Toxicology
  • BIOL 124. Genes and Human Disease
  • BIOL 141. Global Perspectives in Biodiversity and Conservation
  • NESC 104. The Body Electric
  • NESC 120. Nervous Connections
  • NESC 262. Introduction to Animal Behavior

Cognate requirement: Required cognate courses include CHEM 111L and 112L, which should be completed no later than the end of the sophomore year, and one of the following courses in quantitative methods: MATH107, MATH 126, MATH 131, MATH 132, MATH 142, MATH 207, PSYC 221L.

To obtain a B.S. in biology, 学生必须完成上面列出的要求,但必须采取BIOL224(遗传学)以及额外的物理或化学课程, such as PHYS 101 or CHEM 211. No course with a grade less than C- may be counted toward the B.S.

Both B.S. and B.A. degrees offer students breadth and depth in the field. The bachelor of science (B.S.推荐给希望在该学科中拥有最强背景的本科生,以及有兴趣攻读生物(或相关)科学研究生学位的学生. The bachelor of arts (B.A.)学位提供了一定程度的灵活性,适合那些计划不一定包括读研的学生. Either the B.S. or B.A. 学位适合有志于卫生专业学校的学生. 如果生物学专业是用来为一个健康相关的职业做准备, 学生应向卫生专业咨询委员会的成员咨询(见指南中的咨询部分) Bulletin).

Biology major concentration:

Biology majors may choose one of these four concentrations:

  • Biomedical sciences. 该课程的学生完成了从细胞和微生物到动物和人类的生命结构/功能相关的课程. This group includes health-related topics such as infectious disease, bacterial pathogenesis, and brain health.
  • Organismal and evolutionary biology. 学生在这个轨道完成,强调生命的进化多样性和地球上的生物如何适应他们的环境.
  • Cellular/molecular biology. 本课程的学生完成与所有生命中常见的分子和细胞过程相关的课程.
  • Field biology and ecology. 该课程的学生将完成与生物及其环境相互作用相关的课程.

If a student opts to fulfill a concentration in a particular area, 他们必须在以下列出的任何一个小组中完成四(4)门课程. 转学课程可以申请到一个由系主任批准的浓度.

Biomedical sciences concentration:

  • BIOL 206L. Histophysiology
  • BIOL 224. Genetics
  • BIOL 227L. Cell Biology
  • BIOL 244. Biology of Infectious Disease
  • BIOL 308L. Microbiology
  • BIOL 315L. Vertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 317L. Biochemistry
  • BIOL 319L. Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 431. Signal Transduction in Physiological Stress and Disease
  • BIOL 432. Nutrition and Brain Health
  • BIOL 446. Bacterial Pathogenesis
  • BIOL 473. Sensory Biology

Organismal and evolutionary biology concentration:

  • BIOL 215L. Botany
  • BIOL 222L. Invertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 236. Global Change, Evolution and Biodiversity
  • BIOL 302. Amphibian Ecology and Conservation
  • BIOL 308L. Microbiology
  • BIOL 315L. Vertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 319L. Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 434L. Evolutionary Biology
  • BIOL 473. Sensory Biology

Cellular/molecular biology concentration:

  • BIOL 206L. Histophysiology
  • BIOL 211. Electron Microscopy
  • BIOL 224. Genetics
  • BIOL 226L. Foundations and Techniques in Molecular Biology
  • BIOL 227L. Cell Biology
  • BIOL 310L. Developmental Biology
  • BIOL 317L. Biochemistry
  • BIOL 324. Advanced Molecular Approaches in Neurobiology
  • BIOL 446. Bacterial Pathogenesis
  • BIOL 464. Molecular Genetics

Field biology and ecology concentration:

  • BIOL 215L. Botany
  • BIOL 222L. Invertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 233. Conservation Biology
  • BIOL 236. Global Change, Evolution and Biodiversity
  • BIOL 302. Amphibian Ecology and Conservation
  • BIOL 315L. Vertebrate Zoology
  • BIOL 333L. Ecology
  • BIOL 429. Behavioral Mechanisms of Ecology
  • 实地研究学院(SFS)实地课程(由系批准)


AP/IB credit在生物AP考试中获得4或5分的学生可获得一门课程学分. This course credit may not be counted toward the biology major, 它也不免除学生的任何课程要求的专业. IB credit is also not accepted for credit towards the biology major.

Study away全球十大网赌正规平台的学生有很多一般的学习项目, 对国外学习感兴趣的生物学专业学生应该了解专门为学院外的严肃生物学研究设计的课程. 下面列出了全球十大网赌正规平台学生经常参加的合适项目:

  • Duke University Marine Laboratory
  • DIS Copenhagen
  • School for Field Studies (field sites in Kenya/Tanzania, Costa Rica, Turks and Caicos Islands, Bhutan, and Australia/New Zealand)
  • Organization for Tropical Studies
  • Marine Biological Laboratory Semester in Environmental Science
  • SEA Semester, Woods Hole

Consortium Courses: The biology department accepts biology credits for pre-approved courses taken from Hartford Consortium for Higher Education institutions.

Upon approval from the Chair, up to 3 全球十大网赌正规平台生物系以外的生物课程可计入生物专业. 学生如欲申请三门以上非本部课程,应向本部申请许可.

Honors: Students seeking honors must apply for the honors program in biology. 此申请必须以书面形式提出,并应提交给生物学主席之前 sixth week of classes of a student’s sixth semester. The biology faculty will act upon each application. 寻求荣誉的学生必须在第五学期结束前完成五门生物课程,这些课程将计入该专业, and their grade point average in these courses must be at least 3.3 (B+). In addition, they must demonstrate in their work a scholarly intent. 五个学期后不符合荣誉课程资格的学生可能会被教师邀请在以后的时间进入该课程.